FYNODE - Electronics Store Theme has been released. INTRO PRICE - $19 for a limited time.

SHOPIFY Version of BACOLA - Grocery Store Theme has been released. INTRO PRICE - $19 for a limited time.

If you see the following error, please rollback to previous version of the plugin from Dashboard > Elementor > Tools > Version Control - 3.25.10

There has been a critical error on this website.


Add to Cart and Refresh Issue

You can add the following code in functions.php file

add_action('add_to_cart_redirect', 'resolve_dupes_add_to_cart_redirect');
function resolve_dupes_add_to_cart_redirect($url = false) {     
    if(!empty($url)) { return $url; }    
    return get_bloginfo('wpurl').add_query_arg(array(), remove_query_arg('add-to-cart'));